Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The most imporant subect


Hello reader iam writitng what i think the most imporant subject is. In this eassay i will till you why i belive this is the most imporant subject in wrote my 3 points way i feel this way and here it is

Tevora Johnson
English 6-7
Mr. Romero

The most important subject

I believe the most important subject in school is reading. In have several reason why. My first reason is you need to know
How to read to do anything. You need to know how to read your contract, and my last reason is just reading in general.

My first reason is because you need to read to do anything .If you apply for a job and can’t read your app . No employer
Wants somebody to represent he or she if you cant read.

My next reason is if you’re a super star and you cant read . You can have a contract and you can’t read the words so you just sign it cause it’s a opportunity of a lifetime and you want to be famous. Then you have to do things you don’t want to do and can hurt your career and you have to do it cause you signed a contract.

My last reason is because if one day your child is going to bed and ask you to read them I bed time story. What are you going to say not tonight?
So this is why I believe reading is the most important subject.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

MY philsophy

In my philosophy of goverment essay i wrote that i belive that we do not need goverment.
but after talking to people and getting other opions i belive that it goes both ways .
i was writing stuff like back in the day the did'nt have goverment and they were fine.
Then i seen that the goverment and society is changing and we need rules to obtain these change.
Man grows an wonderful speeds and we learn something new each day.